Operators of a specific space group
Returns human-readable symmetry operators corresponding to a specific input space group.
op_xyz_list A named list made of two vectors. The first vector, SYMOP, contains strings describing the symmetry operators. The second vector, CENOP, contains strings describing the centring of the unit cell.
A crystallographic space group includes a set of symmetry operators that can be expressed like operations on the (x,y,z) fractional coordinates of atoms in a unit cell. So, for example, The only operator associated with the space group P 1 is "x,y,z", while the four operators associated with P 21 21 21 are "symop x,y,z", "symop -x+1/2,-y,z+1/2", "symop x+1/2,-y+1/2,-z", "symop -x,y+1/2,-z+1/2".