Constructor for an S3 object of class "merged_reflections".
This represents scaled and merged x-ray data from one crystal.
- ruc
An object of class "rec_unit_cell" (which represents a reciprocal unit cell).
- csym
An object of class "cryst_symm" (which represents a crystallographic symmetry group).
- records
A data frame containing all reflections coming from the x-ray data collection on the crystal. This data frame must include at least the three Miller indices, H, K, L (of dtype "H").
- dtypes
A character vector whose length is the same as the number of columns in 'records'. One character (a capital letter) is associated with each type of data. For example, a Miller index is of dtype "H"; a structure amplitude is of dtype "F"; an anomalous difference is of dtype "D"; etc (see details later).
An object of class "merged_reflections". It is a named list of length 4 whose names are:
- ruc
An object of class "rec_unit_cell".
- csym
An object of class "cryst_symm".
- records
A data frame containing the data.
- dtypes
A character vector containing the type of data (Miller indices, structure factors, etc).
If the constructor is used without arguments, the default object created will be create reflections for a cubic crystal with cell of side 10 angstroms, and symmetry P 2 3, up to 5 angstroms resolution. The only available columns will be of dtype "H", named H, K, L (the Miller indices), and of dtype "S", inverse resoluton, named S.
The possible dtypes are:
- H
Miller index
- S
Inverse resolution (1/angstroms)
- J
Reflection intensity
- F
Amplitude of a structure factor
- D
Anomalous difference
- Q
Standard deviation of J, F, D
- G
Amplitude associated with a Friedel pair (F(+), F(-))
- L
Standard deviation of G
- K
Intensity associated with G (I(+), I(-))
- M
Standard deviation of K
- E
Amplitude of the normalised structure factors
- P
Phase angle (in degrees)
- W
Weight of some sort
- A
Phase probability coefficients (Hendrickson-Lattman)
- B
Batch number (from raw data)
- I
Any other integer
- R
Any other real
More values can become available in a future release.
# Create an orthorombic (default) cell
uc <- unit_cell(10,30,15)
# Create the related reciprocal cell
ruc <- create_rec_unit_cell(uc)
# Create symmetry (P n c 2)
csym <- cryst_symm(30)
# Create a few records (these include syst. absences)
records <- expand.grid(H=-2:2,K=-2:2,L=-2:2)
#> [1] 125
# dtypes are all H
dtypes <- c("H","H","H")
# Create merged_reflections object with H, K, L
# Systematic absences have been eliminated
mrefs <- merged_reflections(ruc,csym,records,dtypes)
#> Systematic absences have been eliminated from 'records'.
#> [1] 109