Write atomic coordinates to a file.
Function to export all information concerning a given structure to a so-called coordinates file of type *_x.dat.
- filename
A character string. Prefix of the output ASCII file to include all structural information. The file name will be "[Prefix]_x.dat".
- sdata
A named list, normally obtained through the use of function
. The list names correspond to different object types:a. Real numeric. The size of the unit cell.
SG. Character string. Space group symbol; either "P1" or "P-1"
x0. Vector of real numerics indicating the expanded atomic positions in the unit cell.
Z. Vector of integers indicating the expanded atomic numbers for all atoms in the unit cell.
B. Vector of real numerics indicating the expanded B factors for all atoms in the unit cell.
occ. Vector of real numerics indicating the expanded occupancies for all atoms in the unit cell.